Stories & Books

Monday 15 July 2019

FWOAN at BRIFF 2019...

This past weekend saw the Brighton Rocks International Film Festival 2019 take place, and myself and producer Ali and director Lucy hopped over to the sunny seaside city of Brighton to attend the festival's second day of festivities and represent For Want of a Nail.

Ali, me, and Lucy

We were able to be there in person to pick up our award for Best Drama, as well as a surprise award for Best Editing, and were also able to have a bit of a chin wag with some of the other filmmakers...

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Among them were the team behind the beautifully made, lyrical and fluid-moving Swivel, an intimate look at how love is not confined by gender. There was also a very interesting and pleasingly wistful documentary/mood piece about the heyday of Brighton's 1990s rave scene in Landscapes of the Heart.

Boosted by a lovely summer's day, there was a warm feeling to the Brighton Rocks festival, organised by Dr James Rowlins and his team. The Rialto theatre, formerly a gothic chapel, was a cool venue, too.

Find out more about BRIFF by visiting their website HERE. To keep up with all things FWOAN you can follow us on Facebook HERE or via the official website HERE.

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