Stories & Books

Monday 10 February 2020

FWOAN to Release Online Feb 21st...

Groovy news! "For Want Of A Nail", the short film I wrote about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, will soon be getting released online for all to see.
Oakhill Productions to release the critically acclaimed, award winning short film For Want Of A Nail in conjunction with OCD ACTION as part of the ‘Week Of Action’ campaign.

We have said from the start, that we want our film to have purpose when it's released. Not for us as filmmakers to have a moment of appreciation but to really make a difference, highlight and raise awareness... so it is with great pleasure that I get to announce the Worldwide, Online Release Date of #FWOAN is happening on the 21st February 2020!!

Keep your eyes open on our own and OCD Action's social media pages from the 17th of Feb for more info, behind the scenes interviews, our further visions for the future development... and of course the OFFICIAL RELEASE!!!

You can follow the film on Facebook, and Oakhill Productions on Twitter.

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