Stories & Books

Monday 26 July 2021

The OCD Chronicles Podcast

I was recently interviewed for The OCD Chronicles Podcast by journalist James McMahon and you can listen to the episode by following this LINK. We talk about For Want of a Nail and experiences with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

TV and films ongoing struggle to depict and represent OCD authentically is a subject that matters to me greatly. I've written about it extensively in the past, most recently for The Guardian. It's a subject I'm sure The OCD Chronicles will return to down the line.

But I'm always keen to get creative voices from The OCD Chronicles on this podcast. If we can see ourselves authentically in the media we consume, then we're one step closer to OCD not being so misunderstood. Filmmaker and sufferer Nick Thomson is the latest creative to attempt to capture the condition - his short film For Want of a Nail is available to watch now. We have an enjoyable conversation on this episode.

You can find more of James McMahon's interviews with creative people who have OCD here and find out more about him here.

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