Stories & Books

Thursday, 26 November 2009

WNWR Podcast #5...

"11/21/09 - A new show... Once again Brian joins me to bitch and moan about everything, from the use of the "C" word to the review of the check disc sample for the Deadlands 2 HD DVD. We also kick off the show talking about 2012, and you get to hear my complete thoughts and opinions on what i felt was the biggest let down in the disaster movie genre."


There's another new WNWR podcast up online (follow the link on the right hand side of my blog - in the links section) and as it's quite a foul-mouthed episode, if you're offended by constant use of the worst word in the entire universe (heh heh), then perhaps you'd better listen to something more gentile.

If you're not offended by such profanities, stroll on in.

It's a bit looser, and therefore not as focussed and not as entertaining as the previous episode, but there's still good fun to be had. Gary continues to illustrate how to-the-point and honest he is by nature, and Brian spurs the whole thing along offering a slightly different, but no less blunt take on everything from life to movies.

Speaking of movies, they have a right old bitch about 2012 (which I blogged about in the post below) and pick at a couple of nuisances with the tricky (but clearly still very, very worthwhile) Deadlands 2 HD-DVD release.

As a side-note, they make mention of the commentary I did (along with Gareth and Sean) for the work print version. Indeed, we do go off topic on a few occasions (or rather, Sean more than anyone else), but we always manage to rangle it back onto a zombie-themed track eventually.

Think of it more as a fan commentary that is rambling and wide-ranging ... kind of like a SModcast in a way (apparently the new Chasing Amy commentary, so I've read, gets way off topic constantly - otherwise known as SModcast #97, only available on the new Chasing Amy Blu-Ray).

So yeah, if you're reading this, and end up watching the work print commentary on the HD-DVD, do bear that thought in mind ... it's kind of like watching a movie with your mates, in fact that's exactly how the recording panned out, which all-said-and-done, for my very first commentary - and with me, of all people, moderating it - I think it went well.

It's certainly a damn sight better than the utterly pish Spider-Man commentary, that's for damn sure - which I maintain as the bar, in my view, for terrible audio commentaries. Fortunately, ours is nowhere near its vicinity.

Our work print commentary is rambling, frequently veers off topic, but always manages to get rangled back on track sooner or later. So, if you fancy watching a matey style, rambling commentary with three British guys you might not have heard of ever (unless you watched the DVD extra features of Deadlands: The Rising, or swung by my website or YouTube page) then by all means stick it on and have a listen. It's like watching a movie with British people in your living room!

So there you go, a new WNWR podcast is up - go and check it out.

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