Stories & Books

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


Another one I've had hanging around for a while, and being that it was a lazy Sunday afternoon, I figured why not. I initially became aware of this movie through a fan page for the British kid's show from the 1990s called "Bernard's Watch" - about a kid who had a watch that could pause time.

There's a similar element in Cashback, although it's certainly not the main thrust of the plot, which is a little bit disappointing. It's an interesting idea in itself, and feels like it needed more exploring. However, if you take this flick as a movie about a young guy who gets jilted and then finds inspiration and possibly love working the night shift at his local Sainsbury's (due to chronic insomnia), who just so happens to be capable of freezing time - then it works better.

I'd still like to see a proper movie specifically about the ability to stop time, and all the different things that different people could and would do with such a power. In this instance, we stop just shy of total perversion, because this protagonist is an artist who likes drawing de-clothed women who are doing a spot of late night shopping in this frozen moment world.

It's a flick about the central character's life long obsession and fascination (and experience inbetween) with the opposite sex, and it's over all a solid little British comedy. Like I said though, it's just a shame that they didn't investigate the time-pausing abilities a little further. So yeah, I dug it, and I'm glad I finally got around to watching it.

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