Stories & Books

Thursday 14 March 2013

General screenwriting update...

So what's been going on?

I've been beavering away on different scripts all at different stages, that's what.

Recently I posted that I was working on a new script called "Cold Shadows". Well, Draft 1.2 (first draft plus a few tweaks and tidying up) is complete! The writing process was very smooth throughout, and I found myself more eager than ever before to put fingers-to-keyboard. Naturally, all of my previous, accumulated experience in writing comes together on each brand new script (and draft) - the first draft of each new screenplay becomes easier and faster to write. Plus - as should be the way - each new script exhibits improved writing ... the progress is all in the correct direction and my desire to be a screenwriter continues to grow stronger with each new project I set my mind to.

But that's not all I've been up to on the screenwriting front...

Click "READ MORE" below for more news of other recent screenwriting activities...

On "Eyes In Your Window", in addition to a couple of submissions to production companies, I've been sending out query letters regarding other production companies with open submission processes. This all coming on the heels of giving it a third draft polish in advance of submitting it to a screenwriting competition.

I'll also be heading back to "Allen Bridge" in due course, but for now I took the most up-to-date print out, read it, and made notes as I went along. At the time - back in 2011 - it was the best thing I'd written, but now - with even more experience under my belt (both on new scripts and re-drafts of others, in addition to all the extra hints, tips, and recommendations I've scoured from the Internet) - I can say that I'll definitely be giving it a significant re-drafting. I have new ideas regarding the plot - ways to tighten certain moments, or ways to bring disparate characters closer together - but for the most part the plot is sorted ... the main issue that I have with it now is prose. I can write so much better now - and while this wasn't terribly written back in 2011, I've gained so much more experience, that I now see so many ways that I can improve it. The foolish thing for any budding writer would be to deny that past work can be improved upon.

So yes - "Allen Bridge" will be getting a big old re-drafting in the near future, but first...

I've started planning another new script (the idea came to me as I was still cranking out "Cold Shadows"), which will be a one-off 60 page comedy/drama designed as a sardonic slice of cultural satire for television, and it will be titled "Sleb". I'm working on the characters, general plot points, and so on at the moment, and I'm pleased to say there are so many tempting possibilities - there's a lot of potential scope for exploration with this one, so I won't be left wanting for ideas, which is a great thing because it means you can pick all the best ones and craft something really biting and memorable. More news on "Sleb" as-and-when.

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