Stories & Books

Monday 4 March 2013

Road Trip Edition: The Walking Dead 3x12 memes...

Find more Walking Dead memes here.

A superb episode - the best of the back-eight so far, and certainly one of the best of the season - and what's more, it produced a bumper crop of 13 memes!

Click to Enlarge: Just like old times...

Click to Enlarge: Guns and Cars aren't her specialty...

Click each image for FULL SIZE.

Click "READ MORE" for loads more 3x12 memes...

Click to Enlarge: Chill out Morgan, he had stuff & things to do!

Click to Enlarge: Subtle, guys, real subtle...

Click to Enlarge: Some are more equal than others...

Click to Enlarge: Jackpot!

Click to Enlarge: Pro Tip #1

Click to Enlarge: Pro Tip #2

Click to Enlarge: OMFG...

Click to Enlarge: That mask is pretty damn cool, isn't it?

Click to Enlarge: Subtle, AMC, real subtle (v1)...

Click to Enlarge: Subtle, AMC, real subtle (v2)...

Click to Enlarge: Did she?

BONUS 3x10 Meme:

Click to Enlarge: You've gotta love Milton...

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