Saturday, 4 December 2010

Screenwriting update ... a return to my zombie mini-epic "The End" ...

I mentioned a few posts back that I was seeking to end the creative dry spell, and so I've been working on a re-draft of the short version of "The End", my own little zombie epic. I had originally done a short version a couple of years ago, then I turned that into a 130 page feature length epic-of-epic-proportions, and now I'm essentially taking the essence of the beginning of the feature length version and a re-jigging of the short version and putting them together to make a new version of the short version ... if that makes sense.

The idea is to hopefully find a talented, artistic someone who can do 2D computer animation (like a motion comic, or perhaps more) and turn this in-progress new draft of the short version of "The End" into an animated short (of around 15 minutes) - it would be a great opportunity for such a someone to showcase their computer animating talent. Indeed that's part of the idea, for it to be a showcase of the respective talents of those who would be involved, and to then spread the film virally around the internet to gain recognition.

This new draft is coming along nicely, and basically it's a condensed version of exactly what I'd love to see in a shambler zombie movie. So that's what I'm working on right now (with Allen Bridge still being chewed on, as it's the trickiest script I've so far ever embarked upon - plus, I want to get it right first time ... relatively speaking ... so in addition it's a big learning experience all of its own).

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