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“Hello, America. Did you
miss me?” 3 From Hell is the belated third, and likely final, entry in
Rob Zombie's grisly 'Firefly family' saga. Following on from the psychedelic slasher
circus of 2001's House of 1,000 Corpses and the down 'n' dirty killers
on-the-run road movie of 2005's The Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell
might seem inexplicable considering the spectacular guns-a-blazin' finale of
the previous film (arguably Zombie's finest cinematic moment), but the
story's continuation, maybe somewhat incredibly, actually works.

“Free The Three!”
Having been riddled with lead, the audience discovers that Otis (
Moseley, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2), Baby (
Sheri Moon Zombie,
The Lords of Salem), and Captain Spaulding (
the late, great Sid
Haig) clung to life and were promptly sentenced for their heinous crimes.
Now, ten years later, they are perceived as cult anti-heroes as a TV
documentary within the film lays out with star struck groupies watching on from
the sidelines, championing The Devils Rejects' status as the ultimate in
anti-authoritarianism – they are the ultimate expression of freedom in a fucked
up world. Reflecting the bizarro cult status that world's most notorious serial
killers have gained – such as the likes of Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John
Wayne Gacy among many others – this extended opening sequence proves to be one
of the film's most fascinating and enjoyable moments, thrusting the
fringe-dwelling Firefly clan into the limelight...
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