Friday 31 May 2019

Flavours of the Month: May 2019...

An incredible true story, the end of an era, and a return to Celebrityville are just some of what's been setting the tone of my May 2019...

Click "READ MORE" below to see this month's looks, sounds, vibes & flavours...

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Hard Ticket To Hawaii (Andy Sidaris, 1987) Review

Find more exploitation reviews here.

“We need to figure out what just happened … let's unload and hit the jacuzzi. I do my best thinking there.” Where on earth do you start with a movie like this? From the heyday of Cinemax (or 'Skin-emax' as it was nicknamed) comes this none-more-80s explosion of exotic locations, big hair, bigger guns, rampant nudity, and a giant snake contaminated with weaponised cancer … yes, you read that right, and it's far from the only utterly insane thing that happens in this flick...

Click “READ MORE” below to continue the review and see more screenshots…

Friday 10 May 2019

FWOAN Interview with Ali & Lucy...

"For Want Of A Nail" producer Ali Causon and director Lucy Joan Barnes were recently interviewed as part of the FEEDBACK Female Film Festival, which took place last month in Los Angeles.

True to its name, the festival organisers provided video feedback from audience members for each screened film.
What motivated you to make this film?
Lucy (director): The script and it’s message, it was not trying to “sugarcoat” what having OCD is really like.. it was showing how intense it can be for the person who suffers from it.
Ali (producer): Although I was not looking for a script that specifically focused on mental health, after reading FWOAN just a couple of times, it felt like a natural follow up to my previous short about PTSD.  

From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this short?
Lucy: I believe it was about a year…
Ali: Writer Nick and I had been working together for a few months before mainly to find a director we wanted to work with. Lucy, Nick and I then ran a development workshop with volunteers from OCD Action and Actors to learn more about the condition.
Read the full interview with Ali & Lucy HERE.

LIMPA Selects FWOAN...

"For Want Of A Nail" has been officially selected by the London International Motion Picture Awards 2019. UPDATE: We have now progressed to 'Semi-Finalist'!
London International Motion Pictures Awards ( L I M P A) is an annual event held in London, United kingdom. It aims to disseminate film culture and the progress achieved in various branches of film art and to strength the relations among filmmakers throughout the world in general.
Find out more by visiting LIMPA's website HERE, and keep up to date with all things FWOAN by following us on social media such as our Facebook page HERE.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Second episode of "Vince & Percy" web series...

"For Want of a Nail" actor Clark Alexander (along with Nick Oliver) is the co-creator and co-star of satirical comedy web series "Vince & Percy #YODO" and the second episode has just gone live - check it out.