Wednesday 2 March 2016

"A Sideline In Vengeance" - update #4...

It's been a while since the last update (which was at the arse end of January), but here we are: another draft was completed towards the end of February, and now I'm cracking on with the next draft.

Just a few changes ... *ahem* ...

At this point it's all about small tweaks, nitty gritty details, and generally an awful lot of fettling and fiddling about. I love this point in the journey of writing - you've got a solid script a few drafts in and finally you can focus on all the small details that add extra layers and provide little details that flesh out the story, characters, and scenes even further...

Click "READ MORE" below to see the rest of this post...

Today, for instance, I was bashing away at a scene early in Act III (pictured above in spoiler-free low resolution). I was targetting specific aspects - seeking to trim the dialogue down to the essentials (stripping out repeated information, extraneous words, and anything overtly 'expositional' that wasn't necessary), as well as making part of it a little more visual - more cinematic.

Sometimes though, these tweaks can be very minor, but have a meatier impact than their meagre size suggests. A single, short sentence by one character - inserted at a particular point - provided a bread crumb of info early in the script that pays off late in Act III. It provides a piece of visual information, but also speaks to the state of said character's patchy memories, which are gradually being pieced back together.

More updates on the conspiracy thriller "A Sideline In Vengeance" as-and-when...

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