Thursday 12 January 2012

My Top 50 Personal Favourite Films of All-Time - the 2013 Update...

The list of my own personal favourite Top 50 Films of All-Time (plus 15 honourable mentions) is broken down into three parts - you can view each part by following the links below:

Part One (#1-20)

Part Two (#21-40)

Part Three (#41-50 plus 15 Honourable Mentions)

This list is purely the films that have been the most ever-present throughout my life, and the ones that I return to time-and-again and/or absolutely adore beyond all reason. While many of the films are American or British, do note that my viewing habits have historically been much more varied - and while I am greatly impressed by films such as Downfall or Yojimbo or The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari or Singing in the Rain or Neighbours (the short Canadian film from 1952, not the soap opera!), they don't factor into this particular Top 50 list. Indeed, it was hard-as-all-get-out for me to come up with 50 personal favourites (e.g. The Shawshank Redemption totally slipped my mind in 2009 and 2012, but has now been included in the 2013 list update) ... and finally it should be noted that this isn't what I perceive to be the best 50 films of all-time in general (I'd never even attempt such a list, and certainly not from the position of a single, solitary person).

It's simply my own personal list of most-favoured-favourites.


Note: The 2013 update consists of the following:

New Additions: The Shawshank Redemption (#31-40), The Big Lebowski (#41-50), The Shining (#41-50) and Casino Royale (#41-50).

Swapped: "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" has been swapped with "The Evil Dead" (#1-20).

Honourable Mentions: "2001", "Enter The Void", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", "WALL.E", and "Battle Royale" have been moved/added to the Honourable Mentions.

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