Tuesday 8 September 2009

Gaia & Genesis online clips, and Sex & Ethics review...

Click your way in this direction:
And you'll find five clips, one from each of the five films that make up the Gaia & Genesis DVD.


Then head over here:
And you'll find a review of the Sex & Ethics DVD, an excerpt of which is below.

"‘Neat’ is an expression that was perhaps overused by students when I was at university, but it is one that I am more than willing to use for this DVD. It is not only neat but it is also simple, user-friendly and self-contained. You have everything needed to enliven your teaching of one particular unit from the A2 Religious Ethics syllabus, namely ‘sexual ethics’..."

Sex & Ethics has had a lot of positive feedback since its release, so hopefully Gaia & Genesis will follow suit.

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